US, Saudi Arabia pledge to strengthen security cooperation

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(VOVworld) - The US and Saudi Arabia will continue security cooperation in the Middle East despite recent differences between the two countries over regional issues.

(VOVworld) - The US and Saudi Arabia will continue security cooepration in the Middle East despite recent differences between the two countries over regional issues.

US, Saudi Arabia pledge to strengthen security cooperation  - ảnh 1
President Barack Obama meets with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman at Erga Palace in Riyadh on Jan. 27, 2015. (Photo: Jim Bourg / Reuters)

At a meeting at the White House on Friday between President Barack Obama and King Salman bin Abd al Aziz of Saudi Arabia, both leaders affirmed the need to continue efforts to maintain security, prosperity, and stability in the region and in particular to counter Iran's destabilizing activities.

King Salman expressed his support for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and the P5+1 countries, which once fully implemented will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and thereby enhance security in the region.

The US pledged to continue heightened cooperation on counter-terrorism in the region and the world.

