UN envoy calls for serious implementation of Libya peace agreement

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(VOVworld) - Libya’s political agreement signed in 2015 is the basis and framework of the political process in Libya, said Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Martin Kobler.

(VOVworld) - Libya’s political agreement signed in 2015 is the basis and framework of the political process in Libya, said Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Martin Kobler.

UN envoy calls for serious implementation of Libya peace agreement - ảnh 1
(photo: Morocco world news)

He told the press following his talks with Moroccan Foreign minister, Nasser Bourita, that the implementation of the Agreement is of paramount importance and called for seriously promoting the implementation of the agreement, which should be the framework of the political process in Libya.
He said that his talks with Bourita were an opportunity to stress the need to support the political process and coordinate initiatives with regard to Libya in order to promote the economic and social situation in this country that suffers from a military escalation and problems relating to basic services, particularly in the health sector.
