Relief aid continues to Vietnamese victims in the Philippines following typhoon Haiyan

Chia sẻ

(VOVworld) – Vietnamese victims of typhoon Haiyan have been moved to safer areas in Ormoc city, Philippines.

(VOVworld) – 36 Vietnamese living in Ormoc city, the Philippines were not seriously injured by typhoon Haiyan and are in stable health conditions.They have been moved to safer areas in Ormoc city, Philippines.

Relief aid continues to Vietnamese victims in the Philippines following typhoon Haiyan  - ảnh 1

Ormoc is 105km from Tacloban and adjacent areas, which were devastated by typhoon Haiyan. Officials from the Vietnamese embassy in the Philippines on Wednesday brought approximately 300 kilos of relief goods, including clothes, medicines, instant noodles and other dried foods to Ormoc city. The Embassy has also closely contacted with Vietnamese people in Cebu and Ormoc to have prompt support for the Vietnamese victims.
Vietnamese people can contact hotlines for support: 00639982756666 and 00639286727829
