Iran and P5+1 to resume negotiations in March

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(VOVworld) – The next round of negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 (Britain, France, Russia, the US, China, and Germany) will take place on March 17th, said EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton on Thursday.
(VOVworld) – The next round of negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 (Britain, France, Russia, the US, China, and Germany) will take place on March 17th, said EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton on Thursday. The same day, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced that Tehran had reached a new deal with P5+1 about the content to be discussed in the next round of talks.

Iran and P5+1 to resume negotiations in March  - ảnh 1
EU policy chief Catherine Ashton and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Photo: internet

In related developments, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Thursday said that Iran had followed its preliminary nuclear agreement reached by the related parties last November. IAEA reports affirmed that Iran’s uranium enrichment activities at its usual levels, which had been the international community’s main concern, were no longer taking place. Besides, the country’s stockpile of uranium which had been enriched to a higher level had reduced significantly for the first time in the past 4 years, since Tehran stopped enriching uranium under the deal with the P5+1. Iran will not install any centrifuges to enrich uranium in Natanz and Fordo or produce and test the fuel used at the Arak reactor.
