Iran and IAEA reach more nuclear agreements

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(VOVworld) – Iran has agreed to seven more “practical steps” with the UN nuclear watchdog in talks seeking further safeguards to enhance the transparency of Tehran’s nuclear activities.

(VOVworld) – Iran has agreed to seven more “practical steps” with the UN nuclear watchdog in talks seeking further safeguards to enhance the transparency of Tehran’s nuclear activities.

Iran and IAEA reach more nuclear agreements  - ảnh 1
Iranian envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency Reza Najafi (Photo: Reuters)

Iranian envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency Reza Najafi said on Sunday that steps were agreed, adding that those steps will be implemented by May 15. No details of the deal were announced. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano will report the results of the negotiation to the agency's board of governors. The statement came after 2 days of talks between IAEA experts and Iranian nuclear officials led by Najafi.
