EU: Iran and P5+1 expert level talks is useful

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(VOVworld) - A spokesperson for the European Union has said that the latest round of expert-level talks between Iran and P5+1 on Tehran’s nuclear energy program had been useful.

(VOVworld) - A spokesperson for the European Union has said that the latest round of expert-level talks between Iran and P5+1 on Tehran’s nuclear energy program had been useful.

EU: Iran and P5+1 expert level talks is useful - ảnh 1
A general view of the Iran-Sextet nuclear talks session at the UN headquarters in Vienna, April 8, 2014 (photo:

The official said that the talks aimed to deepen knowledge on Iranian nuclear issues and contribute to preparations for the next round of senior-level negotiations on a comprehensive agreement, due to take place next week in Vienna. Delegates at the talks said Tehran showed a constructive attitude and desire to reach an agreement. On May 4, Iran revealed that IAEA investigators will visit some of its nuclear facilities.
