IAEA: Iran adheres to nuclear deal

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(VOVworld) -  Iran is complying with the interim nuclear deal with the P5+1, stated the monthly report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released on Thursday.

(VOVworld) -  Iran is complying with the interim nuclear deal with the P5+1, stated the monthly report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released on Thursday. The update indicated that Iran has reduced half its stockpile of 20 percent enriched uranium. Since the interim deal came into effect in late January, Teran had ceased enriching uranium above 5% and stopped conducting uranium enrichment activities at Fordo facility and Arak reactor.

IAEA: Iran adheres to nuclear deal - ảnh 1
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei set down some red lines for nuclear talks when he met with officials and scientists of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran in Tehran last week. Photo: internet

Under the Iran - the P5+1 contemporary agreement signed last November, Teran committed to cease enriching uranium above 5%, slow down the progress of its nuclear programs, and allow IAEA’s inspectors to visit major nuclear facilities. In return, Western nations agreed to gradually ease economic sanctions against Iran.
