China loses its strategic trust to neighboring countries

Chia sẻ

(VOVworld) – Beijing has caused great surprise with its hostile and illegal acts and destroyed efforts to build strategic trust between China and other countries.

(VOVworld) – Beijing has caused great surprise with its hostile and illegal acts and destroyed efforts to build strategic trust between China and other countries.

China loses its strategic trust to neighboring countries  - ảnh 1
Chinese ships used water cannons to attack Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillance Force ship (Photo: VOV)

Professor Carlyle Thayer, a Southeast Asian expert at the University of New South Wales wrote in his analysis posted on website on June 30th regarding China’s illegal deployment of oil rig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s territorial waters. In his article, Thayer raised serious questions about the building of strategic trust between China and its neighboring countries. He said Vietnam has not carried out any hostile actions that China could point to defend its illegal acts. Moreover, China and Vietnam had already agreed on measures and mechanisms to deal with marine disputes, which were considered the most complicated aspect of their bilateral ties.

Carlyle Thayer said China’s installation of the oil rig in another country’s EEZ is a hostile act. Beijing has also deployed around 100 war ships, fishing boats and military airplanes per day to protect the rig. Chinese ships had also threatened and attacked Vietnamese law enforcement ships with water cannons.

Professor Thayer’s article also said that regardless of groundless territorial claims and jurisdiction, Beijing’s attempts to claim sovereignty revealed the true nature of the issue. Professor Thayer also spoke highly of Vietnam’s good will and how it has consistently tried to resolve the dispute through peaceful means.
