Soft dried mango – a highlight of Son La Province’s OCOP products

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - Son La is the second largest fruit growing region in Vietnam, with nearly 83,000 hectares of fruit trees, 19,900 hectares of which are mangoes, with an estimated output of 70,000 tons.

Soft dried mango – a highlight of Son La Province’s OCOP products - ảnh 1Yen Chau Mango Festival 2024 attracts a large number of people and tourists to participate. 

Mango is mainly grown in Mai Son, Yen Chau, Muong La, Song Ma, and Thuan Chau districts.

To increase the value of Son La mangoes, the local administration and businesses have invested in drying machines to yield soft and crispy fruit.

By using advanced technology plus support for stamping, labeling, and packaging, Son La’s soft dried mango products are favored by customers and  its quality is highly regarded because of the lack of preservatives while retaining natural nutrients and color.

Son La’s soft dried mango products have been certified as 3‑star OCOP products at the provincial level.

To date, the product has been widely sold in provinces and tourist destinations nationwide, with annual revenue increasing 25% to 30%.

Building and developing a brand for OCOP soft dried mango products helps expand consumer markets and increase its exports, thus promoting the locality’s socio-economic development.

