Activities underway to mark National Reunification Day, May Day

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - A wide range of activities are underway nationwide to mark the 43rd Southern Liberation and National Reunification (April 30) and May Day (May 1st). On Saturday, a delegation of Ho Chi Minh City’s authorities paid tribute at the city’s Martyrs Cemetery and laid wreaths at the Ho Chi Minh Museum and Ton Duc Thang Museum.
Activities underway to mark National Reunification Day, May Day - ảnh 1Activities underway to mark National Reunification Day, May Day 

To mark the occasion, leaders of Quang Tri province paid tribute at local memorial houses and martyrs’ cemeteries.  A wide range of cultural activities have also been held in the province.

Streets around Hanoi have been decorated with banners, flags, and posters and a number of art programs are held to mark the event.
