Spring is approaching Song Tu Tay island

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)- Despite the difficulties of living off the mainland, soldiers and other people on islands in the Truong Sa archipelago including those on Song Tu Tay island are trying to make their Tet as warm and happy as possible.

(VOVworld)- Despite the difficulties of living off the mainland, soldiers and other people on islands in the Truong Sa archipelago including those on Song Tu Tay island are trying to make their Tet as warm and happy as possible. Ship HQ 966 of Navy Region 4 carrying essential goods for Tet like confectioneries, dong leaves for Chung cakes, green beans, pork and chicken has docked on Song Tu Tay island.

Spring is approaching Song Tu Tay island  - ảnh 1

Soldiers on the island have put up banners, colored lights and decorative trees to make the Tet atmosphere on the island more colorful and cheerful. Political Commissar, Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Trong Binh says preparations for the traditional lunar New Year have been completed. The people on Song Tu Tay island are expecting a warm and happy Tet while not forgetting their task of defending the nation: “This year, our soldiers and their people on the island will enjoy the happiest Tet ever. We will phone soldiers’ families to wish them a happy Tet and tell them about Tet celebration on the island. This will make both the soldiers and their families happy”.

Spring is approaching Song Tu Tay island  - ảnh 2

Binh says both soldiers and local people on Song Tu Tay had a productive year in 2013. As a result, the quality of their meals has improved.  Nguyen Thi Thanh Thoang, who lives on Song Tu Tay, says she is happy because this Tet, her family has a big tank of fresh water and wind power will be available all day: “I can feel the close relationship between the soldiers and the people. When we have difficulties, the soldiers come to help us. We will celebrate New Year’s Eve with soldiers on the island and on the first day of the lunar year, we will visit a pagoda together”.

The living conditions of soldiers and other people on Song Tu Tay island have improved a lot. With support from mainlanders, they say they will have more power and confidence to defend the nation.
