Domestic tourism rejuvenated

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Travel companies and localities across Vietnam launched a program on Wednesday to revive domestic tourism after the setback caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Domestic tourism rejuvenated - ảnh 1Vu The Binh, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Tourism Association, addresses the launch ceremony. (Photo: VOV)

Under this program, safe destinations will be promoted to rekindle tourism in the “new normal” situation of co-existing safely with the coronavirus.

Pham Van Thuy, Deputy Head of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, said, “Travel companies will consult authorities on destinations and accommodations that follow all COVID-19 protocols. We will promote the products and cultural items typical of each destination.” 

Vu The Binh, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Tourism Association, said he is confident of the opportunities this program will bring to tourism. “Safety is at the heart of all tourism activities, big or small, that we’re going to restart. This program will connect localities for tourism development,” said Binh.  
