6th blood donation festival

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – The 6th blood donation festival was held in Hanoi on Sunday. The number of young people and students registered to donate their blood was beyond expectation.

(VOVworld) – The 6th blood donation festival was held in Hanoi on Sunday. The number of young people and students registered to donate their blood was beyond expectation.

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Nguyen Thi Hanh, a 3rd year student of the University of Foreign Trade, said: “This has been the third time that I donated my blood. I hope that my blood will be useful to others. We should donate our blood because there are many people in need of blood.”

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After 5 days, the event received more than 4,000 blood units. This year, it has been held in 10 provinces and cities with the aim of collecting between 5,000 ad 7,000 blood units.

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