VOV launches political program “Vietnam rising era”

Le Phuong
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -A multi-media political program was launched on Wednesday in the National Broadcasting Center, Hanoi, by the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) to amplify the message of General Secretary and President To Lam on creating confidence in the new development period.

VOV launches political program “Vietnam rising era”  - ảnh 1Delegates press the button to start the multimedia and multi-format political program "Vietnam rising era". Photo: VOV

The program entitled "Vietnam rising era" focuses on "New faith, new spirit" highlighting willpower, intelligence and especially solidarity within the entire Party, people and army in implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.

The other topic "The country's fortune, stature and global reputation after 40 years of Doi Moi" summarizes practice and theory over 40 years of Doi Moi (renewal), evaluates specific aspects to clarify the country's remarkable progress.

"Opportunities, challenges and historical responsibilities of the Party in the new era" analyzes major regional and global changes as well as spotlights the country's goals and visions.

VOV launches political program “Vietnam rising era”  - ảnh 2President of the Voice of Vietnam Do Tien Sy addressing the program launch ceremony. Photo: VOV

The program will receive contributions from domestic and international experts and businessmen offering their perspectives on Vietnam's path to the future  as well as  success stories.

VOV President Do Tien Sy told the launch ceremony: “There will be artistic political programs and events to arouse the Vietnamese people's desire to rise. This series will be divided into two phases: Phase 1 from now until the 14th National Party Congress in January 2026 and Phase 2 after the Congress. In Phase 1, VOV’s nearly 1,000 journalists who are members of the Vietnam Journalists Association, will contribute their parts to the “Vietnam rising era” program, unanimously contributing to the development of our homeland, expressing love and responsibility for the future of our country.”

The program will be broadcast, published, or posted  on VOV News Channel (VOV1), VOV Traffic Channel, Culture-Society Channel (VOV2), Music Channel (VOV3), Ethnic Channel (VOV4) and World Service Channel (VOV5); on VOVTV, VTC Digital Television Station, electronic newspapers VOV.VN and VTCnews; Voice of Vietnam print newspaper; and on digital platforms VTC Now, VOV Live, VOVmedia and Podcast.  
