Vietnamese peacekeepers receive UN medal

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -The Vietnamese peacekeepers on Monday were honored with the UN Peacekeeping Medal recognizing the efforts of Engineering Team No. 2 and the Working Group at the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) Mission.

Vietnamese peacekeepers receive UN medal - ảnh 1Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son presents the UN Medal to members of the Engineering Team No.2 and  the Working Group at the UNISFA Mission. (Photo:Ngoc Hung/UNISFA)

Brigadier General Ameer Muhammad Umrani, Acting Head of the Mission and Force Commander of UNISFA, said the Engineering Team has been crucial to maintaining regional peace and stability. He said their tireless efforts not only help to build and maintain essential infrastructure but also brought hope to local communities.

The same day, Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, inspected and encouraged the Vietnamese peacekeeping forces at Highway Base, where the Vietnamese Engineering Team at the UNISFA are stationed.

Starting with the first two officers deployed to South Sudan in May 2014, Vietnam has now sent more than 800 service people to UN peacekeeping missions in South Sudan, Central African Republic, Abyei, and UN headquarters.
