Vietnam, US cooperate on peacekeeping activities and repairing the aftermath of war

Nhat Quynh & Huy Hoang – VOV correspondents in the
Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Defense cooperation between Vietnam and the US has conformed to the development of bilateral ties and met each country’s interests.

(VOVworld) – Defense cooperation between Vietnam and the US has conformed to the development of bilateral ties and met each country’s interests. This was agreed by Vietnamese Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh, US Senator Patrick Leahy, and senior officials of the US Departments of State and Defense during Vinh’s just-concluded visit to the US.

Vietnam, US cooperate on peacekeeping activities and repairing the aftermath of war - ảnh 1
Vietnamese defense delegates led by Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh work with US officials. (Photo: VOV)

The two sides will focus their cooperation on overcoming war aftermath in Vietnam including clearing unexploded ordnance, detoxifying dioxin at seriously contaminated sites, searching for missing soldiers, and supporting war victims. The officials said Vietnam’s participation in UN peacekeeping activities has proven it to be a responsible UN member, helping to raise Vietnam’s status in the international arena, and cooperation needs to be boosted in these activities.

The US officials expressed their hope for stronger defense cooperation with Vietnam on the principle of respecting Vietnam’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity without affecting Vietnam’s relations with other countries, contributing to peace, stability and development in the region and the world.  
