Vietnam – US cooperate in solving the aftermath of war

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(VOVworld)  - Vietnamese ambassador to the US, Nguyen Quoc Cuong, attended the annual meeting of the National League of POW/MIA Families in Washington DC on Thursday.
(VOVworld)  - Vietnamese ambassador to the US, Nguyen Quoc Cuong, attended the annual meeting of the National League of POW/MIA Families in Washington DC on Thursday. This is the first time a Vietnamese Ambassador was invited to the event.

Vietnam – US cooperate in solving the aftermath of war  - ảnh 1
Vietnamese ambassador to the US, Nguyen Quoc Cuong

In his speech, Cuong said that there were still many Vietnamese soldiers missing from the war. He underlined that in the spirit of closing the past and heading toward the future, Vietnam has cooperated with the US on the MIA issue since the war ended and considered it a humanitarian matter. As a result, 693 of 1,983 cases of US MIA have been handled over the years. Ambassador Cuong acknowledged the US’s cooperation in providing information about nearly 1,000 Vietnamese soldiers missing in action. He repeated the Vietnamese government’s policy of continuing to work with the US on the MIA issue and asked US organisations to further support Vietnam in overcoming the war aftermaths, especially the issues of Agent Orange/Dioxin and bomb and mine clearance.
