US House approves bill to sanction North Korea after nuke test

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(VOVworld) - US lawmakers voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to impose stricter economic sanctions on North Korea, seeking to punish the nation for its latest test of a nuclear bomb last week.

(VOVworld) - US lawmakers voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to impose stricter economic sanctions on North Korea, seeking to punish the nation for its latest test of a nuclear bomb last week.

US House approves bill to sanction North Korea after nuke test - ảnh 1

Kim Jong Un (front) stands on the conning tower of a submarine during his inspection of the Korean People's Army (KPA) Naval Unit 167 (Photo: Reuters)

By a nearly unanimous vote of 418 to 2, the House of Representatives passed the North Korea Sanctions Enforcement Act, which would heap additional financial pressure on Pyongyang. The legislation unanimously passed out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee last February but sat idle until leaders revived it in the wake of Pyongyang's test. Earlier, the US said it would take appropriate reactions to North Korea’s provocative acts after Pyongyang announces its successful test of H bomb. The United Nations Security Council is also mulling new measures to punish North Korea for this move.
