TV program honors Truong Son soldiers, young volunteers

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - A TV program on Friday night recreated the heroic years when generations of Vietnamese youth and soldiers trekked through the Truong Son range to reunify the country. 
TV program honors Truong Son soldiers, young volunteers  - ảnh 1  (Photo: VOV)

The 90-minute program, held at Tho Loc Young Volunteers’ Cemetery in the central province of Quang Binh, commemorated the 65th anniversary of the Traditional Day of Truong Son soldiers and the opening of the Truong Son-Ho Chi Minh Trail.

This annual program has been produced by the Vietnam Television Center in the Central and Central Highlands regions since 2016 at various historical sites and martyrs' cemeteries. Nguyen Lam Thanh, Director of the Center, said that this year’s program is dedicated to the heroic young volunteers, who laid down their lives  for national reunification.

During the program, the organizers presented 90 gifts to former young volunteers and veterans in difficult circumstances.
