Seminar highlights former leaders’ thoughts about a learning society

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – A seminar took place on Thursday to discuss the thoughts of former leaders - President Ho Chi Minh, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong, and General Vo Nguyen Giap – about a learning society and lifelong learning to expand knowledge and develop human resources.
(VOVworld) – A seminar took place on Thursday to discuss the thoughts of former leaders - President Ho Chi Minh, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong, and General Vo Nguyen Giap – about a learning society and lifelong learning to expand knowledge and develop human resources. The seminar was organized by the Learning Promotion Associations of Vietnam and Son La province.

Presentations focused on how they improved education during Vietnam’s revolutions and worked to build a society where everyone has equal access to education.

Seminar highlights former leaders’ thoughts about a learning society - ảnh 1
President Ho Chi Minh learns with teenagers. (Photo: Documentary photo/ VOV)

Professor Doctor Pham Tat Dong, Vice President of the Vietnam Learning Promotion Association, said:“Equal education for all is an issue that received the close attention of President Ho Chi Minh when he established the Communist Party of Vietnam. The value of that idea persists today. Encouraging self-study and lifelong learning as the President urged is very important. Adult education is a key element of a learning society.”

Nguyen Manh Cam, President of the Vietnam Learning Promotion Association, suggested that scientists, educators, and policy makers thoroughly study the thoughts of those leaders to shape policies that support a learning society.  
