80 years of parliamentary diplomacy to be documented in photobook by 2025

Anh Huyen
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -A photobook titled “80 years of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Activities – 1946-2026” will be released by the third quarter of 2025 to anticipate the 80th anniversary of Vietnam’s first General Election Day and the 14th National Party Congress.

80 years of parliamentary diplomacy to be documented in photobook by 2025 - ảnh 1A meeting is held in Hanoi on June 26, 2024 to discuss the the photobook's launch. (Photo: Anh Huyen/VOV)

The 350-400 page-long photobook will be published in both Vietnamese and English by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly in collaboration with the Vietnam News Agency and it’s publishing house.  

At a meeting on Wednesday to discuss the book’s compilation, Vu Hai Ha, Chairman of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee, said: “The photobook will candidly, comprehensively, and systematically reflect on the past 80 years of the Vietnamese National Assembly’s foreign affairs activities throughout its many terms. It will highlight the 15th National Assembly’s foreign affairs activities and their contribution to the success of the Party’s foreign policy and State diplomacy."

"It will also communicate to voters, citizens, and international friends the role of the National Assembly, its agencies, and its deputies in implementing the Party and State’s foreign policy, strengthening Vietnam’s reputation and position internationally, and creating a peaceful and stable environment for national construction and defense,” Ha said.

80 years of parliamentary diplomacy to be documented in photobook by 2025 - ảnh 2Vu Hai Ha, Chairman of the National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Committee, addresses the meeting. (Photo: Anh Huyen/VOV)
