Press conference on outcomes of NA’s 7th session

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – A press conference took place in Hanoi on Tuesday to reveal the outcome of the just-concluded 7th session of the legislative body.

(VOVworld) – A press conference took place in Hanoi on Tuesday to reveal the outcome of the just-concluded 7th session of the legislative body.

Press conference on outcomes of NA’s 7th session  - ảnh 1
Chairman of the NA’s Office, Nguyen Hanh Phuc, at the press conference

Chairman of the National Assembly’s Office, Nguyen Hanh Phuc, said that on the first day of the meeting the NA heard a government report on the East Sea issue and discussed it carefully. The Vietnam legislature issued a communiqué, clarifying Vietnam’s stance and rebuking China’s provocations in the East Sea. Tran Van Hang, Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee for External Relations also sent letters to the parliaments of many countries around the world. In the closing speech, Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung reviewed the NA deputies’ opinions on the current developments in the East Sea.

Regarding the resolution on votes of confidence on positions elected or approved by the NA or People’s Councils, Chairman Phuc said deputies agreed on the need to mull it over before adoption.

Referring to the drafting of a law on demonstrations and the content of several laws relating to overseas Vietnamese, Mr. Phuc said: “the NA Standing Committee has included the drafting of a law on demonstrations as part of next year’s legislative program. When this session wraps up, there will be a resolution to assign which agencies will be placed in charge of appraising this draft law. The government is the compiling board and NA deputies will give their opinions at the 10th and 11th sessions. At this meeting, Vietnam amended the Law on Vietnamese Nationality under which overseas Vietnamese who have not yet lost their Vietnamese nationality will still be able to retain it.

Chairman Phuc said that based on the country’s practical production, trade, and social investment, the NA found it unnecessary to adjust socio-economic development targets for this year.
