London show promotes Vietnamese people, culture to the world

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - 100 Vietnamese and foreign artists, along with professional and amateur models, participated in the Vietnam Cultural Show London 2024 at Greenwood Theater, London, on Sunday.

London show promotes Vietnamese people, culture to the world - ảnh 1A performance at the Vietnam Cultural Show London 2024. (Photo: Minh Hop/VNA)

Their performances made a positive impression on the British audience.

The event showcased music, fashion, art, and culture from the northern, central, and southern regions of Vietnam to 300 spectators. The audience included Vietnamese living in the UK and international friends who love Vietnamese art and culture.

The Vietnam Cultural Show London 2024 is organized annually by the Vietnam International Women's Union UK, the Park Pharmacy company, and the Love Collection ao dai brand to celebrate and share the cultural richness of Vietnam with the international community.

All proceeds generated from the program are donated to the Vietnamese Women and Children's Association in the UK to support projects to preserve and promote Vietnamese culture and art.
