Lebanon’s Prime Minister calls for quick presidential election

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(VOVworld) – On Tuesday Lebanon’s Prime Minister Tammam Salam urged Lebanese political parties to vote for a new president after multiple delays, warning that it was impossible to run a country without consensus.

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday Lebanon’s Prime Minister Tammam Salam urged Lebanese political parties to vote for a new president after multiple delays, warning that it was impossible to run a country without consensus.

Lebanon’s Prime Minister calls for quick presidential election - ảnh 1

Tammam Salam spoke to journalists at Lebanon’s presidential palace in Paril, 2013, after being asked to form a government. (Photo: AP)

Salam said that the lack of a president was jeopardising Lebanon and that no single party was able to improve the situation or govern the country without unity. Lebanon has lacked a head of state since former President Michel Sleiman left office in May, 2015.
