UNSC calls emergency meeting on Israeli-Lebanon conflict

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(VOVworld) - The UN Security Council called an emergency meeting on Wednesday to discuss the surge of violence on the Israeli-Lebanon border, diplomats confirmed.

UNSC calls emergency meeting on Israeli-Lebanon conflict  - ảnh 1
A UNSC emergency meeting on Israel. Photo: AP

(VOVworld) - The UN Security Council called an emergency meeting on Wednesday to discuss the surge of violence on the Israeli-Lebanon border, diplomats confirmed. The renewed tensions started after an Israeli air strike in the Golan Heights, near Syria's Quneitra border crossing with Israel, which resulted in the deaths of six Hezbollah fighters and an Iranian general on Wednesday. Following the death of Hezbollah fighters, UNIFIL mission in southern Lebanon said it had witnessed six rockets fired towards Israel from southern Lebanon and Israeli forces firing in return. Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, told the UN Security Council and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in a letter that Israel will take all necessary measures to defend itself against Hezbollah.
