Jund al-Khilifa in Algeria behead French hostage

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(VOVworld) – The IS-linked terror group Jund al-Khilifa posted on the internet a video of the beheading of French hostage Pierre Gourdel.

(VOVworld) – The IS-linked terror group Jund al-Khilifa posted on the internet a video of the beheading of French hostage Pierre Gourdel.

Jund al-Khilifa in Algeria behead French hostage - ảnh 1
French citizen Herve Gourdel was kidnapped in Algeria (Photo: New York Daily News)

Gourdel’s beheading followed France’s rejection of the group’s 24-hour ultimatum to halt air raids in Iraq — part of a US-led campaign against the Islamic State. The video begins with a clip of French President Francois Hollande at a press conference where he announced strikes against the IS in Iraq. This is the fourth killing the IS has carried out on hostages who are citizens of Western countries taking part in the fight against the IS.

The French President strongly denounced the killing as a brutal act and said Paris will be more determined in air strikes against the IS in Iraq. US President Barack Obama and EU representatives condemned the beheading and confirmed that they will stand with the French government in the fight against terrorism.

The Abu Sayyaf Islamic group in the Philippines have threatened to kill two German hostages within 15 days unless Germany withdraws its support for the US fight against the IS in Syria and northern Iraq. 
