Israel revives plans to build 500 new homes in Jerusalem

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(VOVworld) – The city of Jerusalem on Wednesday advanced a plan to build 500 housing units in Ramat Shlomo, a neighborhood in East Jerusalem.
(VOVworld) – The city of Jerusalem on Wednesday advanced a plan to build 500 housing units in Ramat Shlomo, a neighborhood in East Jerusalem.
Israel revives plans to build 500 new homes in Jerusalem  - ảnh 1
Gilo neighborhood in Jerusalem (Source: AFP/VNA)
The anti-settlement NGO Ir Amim said the local planning and building committee made a decision to expand Ramat Shlomo. The NGO said the construction will further encroach on the Palestinian neighborhood Beit Hanina, and link to neighboring Ramot to the west. The plan stalled in 2014 amidst international criticism.
