International community reacts to new US tariffs

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(VOVWORLD) -President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an order imposing sweeping new tariffs on steel and aluminium imports, despite an international outcry.
International community reacts to new US tariffs - ảnh 1International community reacts to new US tariffs (Photo: Xinhua/VNA)  

House Speaker Paul Ryan feared Trump's newly enacted tariffs could lead to unintended consequences, adding that he will continue to urge the administration to narrow this policy so that it is focused only on those countries and practices that violate trade law. 

Sen. Jeff Flake from Arizona also came out against the tariffs and said he would introduce legislation intended to nullify the president's move.
Canada, the top exporter of steel and aluminum to the US, will continue to push back on US steel and aluminum import tariffs, despite being granted an exemption along with Mexico, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said Thursday.
Brazilian Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes reaffirmed that Brazil will resort to all necessary actions, bilateral and multilateral, to preserve its rights and interests. 
France’s Finance Minister, Bruno Le Maire, says Europe will agree an ‘appropriate response’ to these tariffs, while Britain's Trade Minister Liam Fox said Trump’s action was the "wrong way" to resolve trade disputes.
The European Union (EU)'s Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom on Thursday said the EU should be excluded from the new US tariffs. Japan said the tariffs decision may have a 'big impact' on bilateral relations with the US
President Trump’s proposed tariffs of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminium will go into effect in 15 days. Canada and Mexico will be exempted from the tariffs.
