France shares experience in civil security and safety with Vietnam

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – A France-Vietnam seminar on civil security and safety opened in Hanoi on Wednesday. French security experts presented fire prevention and rescue models and the organization of French fire fighting and rescue agencies at the provincial level.
(VOVworld) – A France-Vietnam seminar on civil security and safety opened in Hanoi on Wednesday. French security experts presented fire prevention and rescue models and the organization of French fire fighting and rescue agencies at the provincial level. 9 French companies shared their experience in civil security and safety and using modern equipment to deal with emergencies.

France shares experience in civil security and safety with Vietnam - ảnh 1

Colonel Doan Huu Thang, deputy head of Vietnam’s Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department, said:“I hope the seminar will strengthen cooperation between the governments of Vietnam and France in ensuring social security and order. Vietnam hopes to receive France’s support in personnel training and equipment for fire prevention and rescue.”
As one of the 5 countries most affected by global warming and natural disasters, Vietnam is in dire need of modern civil security and safety equipment.
