Egypt: clashes between Morsi’s supporters and police

Ba Thi/VOV Egypt
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(VOVworld) – Supporters of Egypt’s ousted president Mohammed Morsi on Friday took to the streets and had clashes with police forces throughout the country.

(VOVworld) – Supporters of Egypt’s ousted president Mohammed Morsi on Friday took to the streets and had clashes with police forces throughout the country.

Egypt: clashes between Morsi’s supporters and police  - ảnh 1
Supporters of ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi clash with riot police during a demonstration in Cairo. (Photo: AFP)

Demonstrations came after prayers in Nasr City, Haram, Mohandiseen, Zeitoun, and Helwan in Cairo plus Giza province in response to an appeal of the National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL) to protest the trial of Morsi and 35 others on charges of spying and abetting terrorism. NASL led by the Muslim Brotherhood, which is comprised of 34 political parties and Muslim movement, is struggling to restore Morsi to his post. The same day, clashes erupted in the city of Kafr Al-Dawar in Beheira province after protesters raised objections against the draft constitution. In the context of growing protests, Egyptian security forces have been strengthened throughout Cairo.

In related development, NASL called on its supporters to surround military-coup supporters inside polling stations and prevent a referendum on the draft constitution scheduled for the middle of next month. NASL also called for street demonstrations to mark 3 years of toppling Hosni Mubarak’s regime on January 25, 2011.

The official state news agency, MENA, said 57 representatives from youth movements and members of the constitutional reform committee attended a national dialogue proposed by interim president Adly Mansour. The dialogue focused on a political transitional process announced by Defense Minsiter Abdek Fattah Al-Sisi on July 3, in a political upheaval that overthrew former president Mohammed Morsi.

