Belgian authorities identify second airport bomber

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(VOVworld) – On Friday Belgian authorities confirmed based on DNA check that Najim Laachraoui was the second attacker of Brussels airport suicide bombing that claimed 31 deaths and 300 injuries.
(VOVworld) – On Friday Belgian authorities confirmed based on DNA check that Najim Laachraoui was the second attacker of Brussels airport suicide bombing that claimed 31 deaths and 300 injuries. The Belgian federal prosecutor revealed that Laachraoui has links with last years’s attacks in Paris which killed 130 people. Traces of his DNA were found on a life jacket attached with a bomb, several suicide clothes in the Bataclan Theatre, and a bomb ignited at the Stade de France national stadium.
Belgian authorities identify second airport bomber - ảnh 1
This CCTV image from the Brussels Airport surveillance cameras made available by Belgian Police, shows what officials believe may be suspects Najim Laachraoui (L), Ibrahim El Bakraoui (C) and an unidentified man (R). (Photo: Reuters)

Laachraoui was the third, after Brahim El Bakraoui and his brother Khalid, to be confirmed to conduct series of suicide bombings in Brussels early this week.  
