Australia hands over malariamolecular identification equipment to Vietnam

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - The Australian Department of Defence on Wednesday handed over the HumaLoop LAMP system, which uses the molecular biology technique to diagnoses malaria parasites, to the Department of Military Medicine.

Australia hands over malariamolecular identification equipment to Vietnam - ảnh 1Representatives of the Australian Department of Defence hand over the HumaLoop LAMP system to the Department of Military Medicine, Hanoi, October 18, 2023. (Photo:

Colonel Le Van Dong, Deputy Director of the Department of Military Medicine emphasised that cooperation on malaria prevention and control is one of the bright spots in the Vietnam-Australia military medical partnership, a testament to the effective collaboration between the two countries in general and the two armies in particular for common benefits.

Australian defense attaché to Vietnam Colonel Michael Jansen said military medical cooperation between Australia and Vietnam is an important pillar in the cooperative relationship between the two countries' militaries.

A memorandum of understanding on a malaria cooperation project between the Vietnamese Ministry of Defence and the Australian Department of Defence was signed in Hanoi in 2000.
