APEC 2017: Innovations boost economic growth

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum are urged to create favorable conditions for capital attraction, personnel development, innovations, technology, and cross-border trade while improving competitiveness.
APEC 2017: Innovations boost economic growth - ảnh 1(Photo: Quynh Hoa - Ngoc Ha/VOV)

Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh made the call at an APEC symposium on trade and innovation, co-held by his ministry and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Friday in Hanoi, as part of the 23rd Meeting of APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT 23).

Minister Anh said at the event: “Trade is one of the key factors in designing policy and strategy for innovation. Trading of innovation has helped APEC members bolster their trade relations”.

APEC trade ministers discussed how to make use of policies to inspire innovation and the government’s role in the commercialization of innovation in APEC members, especially in developing economies.

The same day, the Ministry of Industry and Trade held the 3rd APEC Public-Private Dialogue on trade facilitation and supply chain connectivity via the Asia-Pacific model E-port network.
