Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Chia sẻ
A: Mitul Kansal sent us a multi-page entry showing his understanding of Vietnam through VOV broadcasts and his love for VOV. Mitul wrote: “VOV has inspired me to view things in a positive way. It has brought a positive change to my character, my attitude and my outlook. I fully believe that VOV is providing me knowledge, information, awareness and entertainment. A lot of thanks to the VOV World Service. It has undergone spectacular changes. Beginning with traditional media, the journey of VOV today has now gone digital with net surfers browsing through the world wide web’.

Hello and welcome to VOV’s Letter Box, our weekly feature dedicated to listeners throughout the world. We are Mai Phuong and Ngoc Huyen. 

A: We continued to receive greetings this week for Tet, Vietnam’s traditional lunar New Year. Many listeners wrote that they liked our Tet features very much and that they wanted to visit Vietnam soon.

B: From Libya, Abdulkarim Ahmed Ali sent us a beautiful postcard and a letter with his best wishes for VOV on the New Year. He reported listening to VOV broadcast on Monday, February 17 on the frequency of 5955 khz and rated SINPO at all 4s.  Commenting on our broadcast on February 27, he wrote: “Your program is very interesting and informative”.

A: Thank you, Abdulkarim Ahmed Ali, for tuning in to our broadcasts. Listening to our special features for Tet 2015, Masaru Sekimoto of Japan wrote: “I’m glad to catch your programs. I have a good time listening to your English broadcasts to celebrate Tet 2015. I will continue listening to VOV to learn more about Vietnam”.

B: Ratan Kumar Paul, coordinator of the South Asia Dxer Forum of India wrote: “Wishing you all a Happy Spring and New Year. We are enjoying your programs every day. On February 24, we enjoyed your news and other programs. The song about spring and the New Year was very good. We really enjoyed this lovely song. Thank you for this nice presentation”.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - ảnh 1
Lim festival in Bac Ninh province

A:  Thank you all for sharing your comments on VOV. We received entries to our contest “What do you know about Vietnam” from Mitul Kansal of India, Rajendra Kumar of India Mohammad Ahmad Khan of Bangladesh, and Parisi Asih of Indonesia. In his entry, Rajendra wrote: “As the number of listeners of VOV is very large. I hope each and every person will participate in this interesting and informative contest. It provides a lot of things to know and learn about Vietnam. This contest is a complete package to learn about Vietnam and its people. I give thanks to VOV for sponsoring such an interesting contest which covers everything you need to know about beautiful Vietnam”.

A: Mitul Kansal sent us a multi-page entry showing his understanding of Vietnam through VOV broadcasts and his love for VOV. Mitul wrote: “VOV has inspired me to view things in a positive way. It has brought a positive change to my character, my attitude and my outlook. I fully believe that VOV is providing me knowledge, information, awareness and entertainment. A lot of thanks to the VOV World Service. It has undergone spectacular changes. Beginning with traditional media, the journey of VOV today has now gone digital with net surfers browsing through the world wide web’.

B: Those are some of the most recent entries to VOV’s ongoing contest “What do you know about Vietnam?”. Rasheed Naz of Pakistan wrote: “I am a new listener to VOV. I like all the programs very much. I am very glad for the new quiz of 2015. I congratulate the VOV English Service, its hard working, professional staff and the management of VOV for organizing a quiz on the eve of the 70th Anniversary of Vietnam’s National Day, the 85th Anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and the 125th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh. My club members and I will all participate in the quiz. Thanks”.

B: Mr. Paritosh Chattopadhya of India wrote: “I am a listener as well as a web-viewer of Voice of Vietnam. Enjoy your programs with great care and love. Now I am preparing for the 2015 "What do you know about Vietnam?" contest. I am very excited”.

A:  We hope to receive more feedback from you. As this is a contest for all listeners to the VOV World Service in 11 different languages, competition will be fierce, you might want to make your entry stand out by including beautiful illustrations and interesting stories in addition to answering the questions. We really hope a listener of VOV’s English program will win the contest. Good luck to you all.

B: This week we’d like to thank Amir Jameel of Pakistan for calling VOV’s office in Hanoi to express his love for VOV. It’s a great experience to hear directly from a listener so far away. We hope you’ll keep tuning in to our broadcasts.

A: Here’s is a letter from Muhammad Shamim of India. Listening to VOV’s broadcast on February 25 from 16:00 to 16:30 UTC on the frequency of 7220 khz, he rated SINPO at all 3s. Muhammad wrote that he wanted to know more about biodiversity parks in Vietnam.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - ảnh 2
Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserves

B: Vietnam is rich in diverse flora and fauna. The Vietnamese government pays special attention to the conservation, protection and scientific study of the ecology of Vietnam, particularly in protected forest areas. However, a study by the WWF has reported that nearly 10% of the wildlife in the country is threatened with extinction. Vietnam ranks 16th of 152 countries in the proportion of its wildlife species reported to be at risk.

A: While Vietnam’s nature reserves cover small areas of scientific significance with restricted access, national parks also cover wetlands of Ramsar designated areas and Bird Life International inscribed bird areas. The largest of the national parks are Cuc Phuong National Park, Cat Tien National Park and Con Dao National Park. The objective of those national parks is to allow access to ecotourists while conserving natural environmental resources.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - ảnh 3
Xuan Thuy National Park

A: Vietnam’s national parks and biosphere reserves covering mountains, river deltas, and coastal wetlands. There are five national parks and four reserves in the Mekong Delta, two national parks in the northeastern region; five reserves in the northwestern region; three parks in the Red River Delta, two parks and one reserve in the north central coastal region; two reserves in the south central coastal region; three parks and one reserve in the central highlands; and one park and one reserve in the southeastern region.

B: That’s a short take on biodiversity and national parks in Vietnam. We hope you found it informative and interesting. Before we close today’s program, we’d like to acknowledge emails and letters from Joel Rochow, Annton Bernhoffer and Robert Metz of the US, Eddy Prabowo of Indonesia, SB Sharma of India, Dewan Rafiqul of Bangladesh, Holger Wolf of Germany, and Fumito Hokamura of Japan. We’ll send you QSL cards and the souvenirs you requested soon.  

A: We welcome your feedback at: English section, Overseas Service, Radio Voice of Vietnam, 45 Ba Trieu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. Or you can email us at: You’re invited to visit us online at, where you can hear both live and recorded programs. Good bye until next time.



Mitul Kansal

To VOVLetter-box Respected sir, most interesting program which i liked and enjoyed most. Thank you very much for the receipt of my entry to the contest' What do you know about Vietnam ... Xem thêm