Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Chia sẻ
A: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Christmas is just around the corner and we wish you a happy holiday season.
Hello and welcome to VOV’s Letter Box, a weekly feature dedicated to our listeners throughout the world. We are Ngoc Huyen and Nhat Quynh.

A: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Christmas is just around the corner and we wish you a happy holiday season.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 - ảnh 1

B: Christmas is coming to VOV via greetings from our dear listeners around the world. We’d like to thank Otto Schwartz of the US for his beautiful greeting card. It has been a long time since we last heard from you, Otto. Welcome back!

A: On his Christmas postcard to VOV this week, Otto wrote: “As the year 2016 is drawing to a close, one thinks about what happened during the past year and how it impacted one’s life. Listening to VOV broadcasts is on my list of such things. I want to thank you for the informative and entertaining programs. They added happiness and joy to my life. I look forward to tuning in to your broadcasts in the coming year. Chuc mung nam moi”.

B: Thank you, Mr. Otto Schwartz, for listening to our broadcasts and for your beautiful postcard. We wish you a Merry Christmas. We’ll send you verification cards to confirm your reports on VOV programs on October 8th and 19th and November 18th .

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 - ảnh 2

A: Confirming that he had received our New Year gifts, Hans Verner Lollike of Denmark wrote: “Today arrived with the post your beautiful New Year Greeting Card. Thank you so much. I will also be happy to wish you all the best for you, your families and people of Vietnam. Peace, good health, and happiness”.

B: Listening to our broadcast on November 27 on the frequency of 9840 mhz at 23:30 UTC, Peter Ng of Malaysia wrote: “I highly appreciate your kind attention for acknowledging this reception report and mailing to me a QSL card plus a 2017 calendar from the Voice of Vietnam.”

A: Thank you, Peter Ng, for your regular feedback on VOV broadcasts. We hope you like our New Year gifts.

B: Next is a letter from Masaru Sekimoto of Japan and his report on the VOV program on November 30 from 11:30 to 11:58 UTC on the frequency of 12020 with SINPO of all 4s.

A: In his letter, Masaru Sekimoto wrote: “I’m glad to catch your program. I have a good time listening to your English program. I can learn about other listeners around the world, about modern Vietnam, and about VOV through your English program”.

B: Thank you, Masaru Sekimoto, for your comments. We’ll verify your report with a QSL card.  Also from Japan, Toshiya Nishimura is also one of our regular listeners. This week, he reported listening to our program on November 24 on the frequency of 12020 khz from 11:30 to 11:57 UTC and rated SINPO at all 4s. Toshiya Nishimura asked about the Vietnamese calendar.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 - ảnh 3

A: In Vietnam, we use a combination of lunar and solar calendar to schedule traditional activities and overseas community activities. The calendar prescribes the date for traditional holidays, and helps people select a lucky day for a wedding or funeral, for starting a venture, or relocating a home or business.

A: Vietnamese people have a lot of celebrations in the course of a year. And I think that’s really great.

B: Me, too. We have two New Year celebrations for example. In addition to several spring festivals held during first lunar months of the year, our major celebrations include the Death Anniversary of the Hung Kings, which falls on the 10th day of the 3rd lunar month, Vietnam’s National Day on September 2nd, the Mid-Autumn Festival on the 15th of the 8th lunar month and also Christmas.

A: In an email to VOV, Nigel Paysoy of Papua New Guinea commented on our story about Vietnam’s preparations for APEC 2017. He wrote: “Papua New Guinea is the next host of the APEC summit after Vietnam. We hope whatever learnt from Vietnam in terms of security and setting policy agendas for economic prosperity will be emulated and embedded into our Operational Plan 2018.”

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 - ảnh 4

B: Vietnam will host the APEC Summit next year for the second time in 10 years. Hosting the event demonstrates Vietnam’s determination to expand its international integration and promote multilateral external relations.

A: Aware of the importance of this event, Vietnam began preparing for it in 2013. In late 2013, Vietnam set up an Inter-Sectoral Working Group and a National Steering Committee to prepare for the event. According to Ambassador Nguyen Nguyet Nga, Senior Consultant to the Secretariat of APEC 2017, Vietnam has carefully prepared all aspects of the event - content, reception, logistics, and human resources. Vietnam has also mobilized the support of partners and APEC members in organizing the event.

B: Vietnam will host some 200 meetings, including 20 ministry level events during the year and the week-long summit. In addition to logistics and security against terror threats, Vietnam has mobilized initiatives to prepare content for the event. This content will focus on APEC’s priorities meeting the demands of growth and connectivity.

A: Earlier this month, a seminar was held to discuss priority topics for APEC Year 2017. Representatives from APEC countries and international organizations discussed sustainable, inclusive, and creative growth; APEC’s role in boosting regional economic connectivity; competitiveness of SMEs in the digital era; strengthening food security; and creating sustainable agriculture adaptated to climate change.

A: The Ministry of Information and Communications has opened a training workshop in Da Nang to teach journalists on how to report news stories during the APEC Year next year.

B: As the summit will be held in Da Nang, the People’s Committee of Da Nang is urging that all projects related to APEC Year 2017 be completed by June 30, 2017.

A: As the host of APEC 2017, Vietnam hopes to promote its rich traditional culture and friendly people while contributing to the development, peace, and prosperity of the Asia Pacific region.

B: That’s a brief on Vietnam’s preparations for the APEC Summit 2017. Nigel, we hope you’ll be in Vietnam for the event.

A: Here’s an email from Kanchan Kr. Chatterjee of the VOV Natun Radio Listeners Club in West Bengal, India. “We wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Years 2017 in advance. We must say that you are keeping us all informed about the various events taking place in the world through your radio program and website. Whenever we need to know about Vietnam, VOV is the best way to do it. I’d like to say that your website and shortwave program are very nice sources of information and entertainment.”

B: Listening to our broadcast on November 23, Sekar Thalainayar of India wrote: “Dear VOV 5, from your Letter Box feature we have learned about the traditional cultural festivals was held in Hanoi the capital city of Vietnam, in particular the Ok Om Bok festival, Ghe Ngo boating race and other ethnic group festivals. Indian cultural festivals and Vietnam cultural festivals are more or less alike. Thanks to the team of VoV for good reporting.”

A: Thank you, Sekar, for your feedback. It’s interesting to know that some Indian and Vietnamese festivals are alike. We’d like to hear some stories about them. So, next time, could you share your stories with us?

B:  We’d like to acknowledge emails and letters from Eddy Prabowo of Indonesia, Richard Nowak of the US, the Bablor Rashid, Dewan Rana, and Jahangir Alam of Bangladesh. We’ll send you all QSL cards to confirm your reports.

B: We welcome your feedback at: English section, Overseas Service, Radio Voice of Vietnam, 45 Ba Trieu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. You can email us at: You’re also welcome to visit us online at, where you can hear both live and recorded programs. Good bye until next time.

