President Barack Obama’s big mission during Asian tour

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(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama begins his tour of Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and the Philippines from April 22 to 28. His trip aims to rebalance the US’ strategy in Asia-Pacific and confirm its political and economic commitments with its alliances. Analysts say Obama’s trip consists of various challenges.
(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama begins his tour of Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and the Philippines from April 22 to 28. His trip aims to rebalance the US’ strategy in Asia-Pacific and confirm its political and economic commitments with its alliances. Analysts say Obama’s trip consists of various challenges.

President Barack Obama’s big mission during Asian tour - ảnh 1

Obama’s trip takes place when the Chinese-Japanese relations have been tensed; Japan and the Republic of Korea are on disputes over sea and islands sovereignty; and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has continuously test fired missiles in retaliation to the US-South Korea joint military drills. In addition, the Ukrainian crisis, the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, and the Syrian civil war have distracted the US’ policy towards Asia.

Confirming the US’s rebalancing to Asia-Pacific strategy

Prior to the trip, Senior Director for Asian Affairs of the National Security Council Evan Medeiros confirmed the US full commitments to Asia-Pacific. He said it’s not for political purposes but the protection of the US’ economic and defense interests in this region. Obama has busy working schedules in 4 Asian countries, particularly in its two strategic partners of Japan and South Korea. 

Japan is the first stop of Obama’s tour.  He is scheduled to attend a banquet hosted by Japanese Emperor Akihito and visit Meiji temple in Tokyo. He will held talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on measures to reinforce their strategic relations, security partnership, and trade activities including the negotiation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. In a press conference prior to the visit on April 21, Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor, said the US-Japan alliance is a carved stone in Washington’s Asia strategy and the US commits to foster the relationship.

In the Republic of Korea, Obama will meet with his counterpart Park Geun-hye on how to enhance the bilateral alliance and the latest developments on the Korean peninsula. They will also discuss territorial disputes in Asia including in the East China sea and the East Sea and the US’ assistance for South Korea in the Sewol ferry capsize. 

During his two-day visit to Malaysia, Obama will discuss with the host the TPP negotiations, security and defense cooperation, marine security, and the East Sea disputes.

In the Philippines, the President Obama will repeat the US’ commitments to Manila’s security. NSC Senior Director for Asian Affairs Evan Medeiros said President Obama will underscore the Code of Conduct (COC) on the East Sea between ASEAN and China as an important mechanism in handling disputes on the East Sea. The US will focus on the need to push ahead the building of the COC to create a positive and constructive framework to manage territorial disputes.

Challenges ahead

During this Asian tour, Obama will have to strengthen its mediate role in the South Korea-Japan relations which has worsened due to territorial disputes and Japanese officials’ visits to Yasukuni shrine. Tension between its alliances is considered the most concern in Washington’s policy towards Asia.

Persuading countries including Japan and Malaysia to conclude the TPP negotiations is a highlight in Obama’s agenda. The US-Japan ministerial level negotiation on the TPP failed has put more pressure on Obama’s trip. The US and Japan have obtained certain progress in the TPP negotiation but they remain apart in beef, pork, and dairy products tariffs.

North Korea’s strong reaction is another impact on Obama’s trip. North Korea’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on April 21 that Obama’s visits have obstructed the 6-party talks on denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and incited an armed race in Asia-Pacific. Seoul has threatened to double its protection measures and warned the US to reconsider its possible provocative activities to North Korea before it’s too late.
