Colorful book space on the shores of Ha Long Bay

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Adjacent to the always bustling square and museum complex in Quang Ninh province, the provincial Library is a peaceful place that attracts visitors of all ages, especially at the onset of summer.
Colorful book space on the shores of Ha Long Bay - ảnh 1(Photo: VOV)

Every morning and afternoon, the 200-square-meter Children's Reading Room at the library is filled with students. Among the shelves of books, the young readers sit absorbed in their favorite stories.

Le Khanh My, a fifth-grader at Quang Trung Primary School in Ha Long city, says her father brings her to the library almost every day to read and chat with friends.

My said: "I read books about science, wildlife, and marine animals, and some comics. I find the atmosphere here perfect for reading and learning about Vietnamese history, which is both useful and interesting."

Colorful book space on the shores of Ha Long Bay - ảnh 2(Photo: VOV)

Since the beginning of the summer vacation at the end of May, the library has welcomed an average of 200 young readers daily. In addition to reading, the children participate in various experiential extracurricular activities organized in collaboration with local schools. These include programs like Super Little Artist, Ringing the Golden Bell, and screenings of fairy tales and cartoons about Vietnamese history.

Ms. Bui Thuy Hai, the library’s Director, says this space is a venue for cultural and creative arts exchanges, sharing knowledge, and fostering community ties. Her aim is to promote and develop a reading culture within the community and contribute to building a learning society and sustainably developing Quang Ninh's culture and people.

"We believe this model is popular with young people—a space to chat, study, and relax with their favorite books. We’re trying to develop creative ways to attract long-term readers and spread a love of books to everyone," said Hai.

To expand the book space to all ages, the Quang Ninh provincial Library has launched a Book Coffee Space Experience Week. This initiative goes beyond furnishing a quiet place to read and enjoy coffee to setting up book clubs, book donation drives, and bookcases in remote mountain and island areas.
