Implementing the Constitution – an important task in 2014

Hong Van
Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Following the 13th National Assembly’s approval of the Constitution and its enforcement on January 1st, two important works in implementing the Constitution are communications and the revision of legal documents. This will ensure effective implementation of the Constitution across all social sectors.
(VOVworld) – Following the 13th National Assembly’s approval of the Constitution and its enforcement on January 1st, two important works in implementing the Constitution are communications and the revision of legal documents. This will ensure effective implementation of the Constitution across all social sectors.

The implementation of the Constitution requires the participation of all people and sectors and the coordinated leadership of Party Committees, administrations, and Fatherland Fronts at all levels.

To introduce the Constitution inside and outside the country

Implementing the Constitution – an important task in 2014 - ảnh 1
Deputy Head of the National Assembly’s Committee for Legal Affairs, Le Minh Thong

To introduce the Constitution, especially its new content, is top priority work. The mass media will institute special programs and publish new information relating to the Constitution. Deputy Head of the National Assembly’s Committee for Legal Affairs, Le Minh Thong, said: “Law education and communication agencies must take the lead in introducing the Constitution. This is a key task of the mass media and they must be proactive in introducing the Constitution to all social sectors to help the people understand it thoroughly and clearly.”

The mass media has a duty to protect the Constitution, correct deviatory opinions, point out incorrect behavior in the exercising of the Constitution, and fight hostile opinions towards it. Le Van Nghiem, Director of the Authority of Foreign Information Service under the Ministry of Information and Communications, said it’s necessary to have a good communication plan, especially when discussing human rights. “We have to work out a long-term plan for our internal and external communications. We have to inform people on legal matters and human rights. The study of human rights should be improved and we should include human rights issues in the school curriculum.” 

Agencies and sectors should continue to learn about the Constitution its significance and role in society, the foundations for constitutional revision, and the changes which reflect Vietnam’s development orientations and the people’s aspirations.

To adjust legal documents

To review and revise legal documents related to the government’s apparatus, including its jurisdiction, functions, organization, and performance, is a pressing task so as to ensure that all legal documents are compatible with the Constitution.  Vietnam will adjust the Laws on the Organization of the National Assembly, the Government and Local Administration, the Law on the Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly, and the Law on the Election of the National Assembly. Deputy Head of the National Assembly’s Committee for Legal Affairs, Le Minh Thong, again: “Law makers in 2014 and 2015 should prioritize laws regarding organization to create a firm legal foundation for the 14th National Assembly election. We have to work out a roadmap with specific tasks for each year. We will step by step revise the legal system from laws on organization to the laws on economics, society, and education.” 

Implementing the Constitution is an important task, which is directly associated with and affects the political system. Good implementation of the Constitution will generate the momentum for national development.
