Draft report for 12th National Party Congress focuses on economic solutions

Le Hang, Huu Trai
Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – A draft political report for the 12th National Party Congress has received suggestions from people from all walks of life. They are interested in national development guidelines and economic reform directions.
(VOVworld) – A draft political report for the 12th National Party Congress has received suggestions from people from all walks of life. They are interested in national development guidelines and economic reform directions.

Draft report for 12th National Party Congress focuses on economic solutions  - ảnh 1

The draft report for the 12th National Party Congress assesses the performance of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam in the 2011-2015 term and the past 30 years of national renewal and development. The public appreciates the report’s topic “Build a transparent, strong Party; promote national strength and socialist democracy; comprehensively and systematically accelerate national reform, ensure national defense and a peaceful and stable environment; build a foundation for Vietnam to become a basically modern industrial nation”.

Reform economic growth model, economic institutions

The draft report evaluates Vietnam’s economic and social achievements and shortcomings over the past 5 years and points to solutions to national development in the future, particularly economic model reform. Doctor Nguyen Quoc Dung, Director of Regional Academy of Public Administration No.4 of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Public Administration, said Vietnam has applied extensive economic growth model based on capital, natural resource exploitation, and cheap labor. As the limits were approached, economic growth lost its momentum, which is why growth model reform is mentioned in the draft report. Dung said: “An intensive economic growth model will be the correct direction for Vietnam from now on. That model will focus on a trained, skilled labor force with manufacturing contributing a large share of national development. I agree with the report on building a socialist-oriented market economy, which will provide momentum for growth.”

Doctor Nguyen Quoc Dung praised the report for encouraging parties to get involved in the socialist-oriented market economy.

Solutions to create economic breakthroughs

The draft report contains general and specific views of Vietnam’s economy over the past 5 years. Due to the struggling global economy, GDP growth was less than the set target, but has continued to improve. The macro-economy has been stable. GDP growth from 6.5% to 7% and a state budget deficit of 4% are acceptable for Vietnam’s present economy. Associate Professor Doctor Hoang Ngan Rector of the HCM City University of Finance and Marketing, talked about economic breakthroughs in the next 5 years: “The draft report mentions 6 key tasks including concentrating resources to increase growth quality and labor productivity. I’m interested in this issue because we have targeted exports and external resources. Now we should balance the domestic and export markets. We have invested more in the domestic market.”

Suggestions for the draft report for the 12th National Party Congress have frequently mentioned human resource development and incentives for scientific and technological research and application, which are key factors in national development.
