New points in draft report to the 12th National Party Congress

Phuong Thuy
Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)- The Party Central Committee’s draft Political Report which will be submitted to the 12th National Party Congress has been made available for public comment. Associate Professor Doctor Nguyen Trong Phuc, former Director of the Party History Institute of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, reviewed the new points of the draft document.
New points in draft report to the 12th National Party Congress  - ảnh 1
(VOVworld)- The Party Central Committee’s draft Political Report which will be submitted to the 12th National Party Congress has been made available for public comment. Associate Professor Doctor Nguyen Trong Phuc, former Director of the Party History Institute of the Ho Chi Minh National Acade
my of Politics, reviewed the new points of the draft document.

According to Doctor Phuc, the new points lie in the theme and fundamental content of the draft Political Report are new. Under the theme “Strengthening Party building”, the document emphasizes the importance of Party building in renovation and economic development. According to the document, good Party building will lead to effective renewal.

Coordinated and comprehensive renovation is important

The document also stresses the importance of coordinated and comprehensive renovation which needs to be carried out from the strategic to grassroots level to create a combined strength. Mr. Phuc said prior to the 11th National Party Congress, the Communist Party of Vietnam had been determined to develop Vietnam into a modern industrial country by 2020. But the reality suggests that the goal needs to be adjusted. That’s why in the draft Political Report, the Party says Vietnam aims to create a foundation for becoming a modern industrial country by 2020 and will achieve the goal after 2020. Doctor Phuc emphasizes the importance of economic growth: “Economic growth plays a key role. After reviewing 30 years of renovation, we recognize the threat of the Vietnamese economy becoming backward compared with other countries. Small scale, low quality and efficiency, heavily dependence on natural resources, limited added values and low productivity are the challenges of our economy. I really hope that at the upcoming congress, we will discuss ways to create breakthroughs for the economy and ensure its rapid and sustainable development. To this end, we need to focus on three breakthroughs put forth at the 11th Congress: fine-tuning the socialist-oriented market economy, training human resources and creating a modern infrastructure”.

Enhancing unity within the Party

The draft Political Report places an emphasis on enhancing unity within the Party and strengthening Party building. In this regard, Mr. Phuc said:“Unity within the Party will enhance social unity and international solidarity. President Ho Chi Minh always stressed the importance of enhancing unity within the Party saying exercising democracy within the Party would maintain unity. In the draft Political Report, article 11 underlines the importance of promoting socialist democracy in combination with promoting people’s democracy in order to uphold the strength of the whole political system and enhance international solidarity. We need to focus on pushing back the degradation of political thoughts and lifestyle among some Party members”.

Doctor Phuc praised the release of the draft Political Report for public comment as a positive sign of democracy in Vietnam.

