Bolívar Revolution continues with Nicolas Maduro’s victory

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(VOVworld) - Acting President Nicolas Maduro has been declared the winner of Venezuela’s presidential election. Although his upcoming 6-year term will offer him quite a few challenges, the victory has proven that the Venezuelan people believed in and support Maduro’s campaign promise to make Venezuela grow sustainably.….

(VOVworld) - Acting President Nicolas Maduro has been declared the winner of Venezuela’s presidential election. Although his upcoming 6-year term will offer him quite a few challenges, the victory has proven that the Venezuelan people believed in and support Maduro’s campaign promise to make Venezuela grow sustainably.….

Bolívar Revolution continues with Nicolas Maduro’s victory  - ảnh 1
Newly elected President Nicolas Maduro next to a picture of Hugo Chavez (Photo: Reuters)

According to the irreversible results of Venezuela’s National Electoral Council on Sunday, with 99.12% of the votes counted, Maduro, the candidate of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, had 50.66% of the votes against the 49.07% of opposition leader Henrique Capriles.

The victory confirms Venezuela’s support for the Bolivar Revolution initiated and led by late-President Hugo Chavez. State leaders around the region sent messages of congratulation expressing their support and commitment to cooperation for mutual growth. Cuban President Raul Castro said Maduro’s victory is vivid evidence of the strength of thought and achievement that Hugo Chavez began. Bolivian President Evo Morales said Maduro’s victory is a triumph for all Latin American countries who support the solidarity of the regional organizations set up by the late leftist leader Chavez. These organizations include the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), the Community of Latin American Caribbean States (CELAC), and the Bolivarian Alternative for the People of Our America (ALBA).

In his victory speech to supporters, Maduro promised to be absolutely loyal to his predecessor’s goals and continue to implement the 21st-century socialist projects initiated by Chavez. He underscored the need for further political and economic reforms and expansion of the social programs for the poor that the government has been conducting over the past decade.

Maduro’s mandate to run the country rests on the notable social achievements of Chavez which have been hailed worldwide. Venezuela’s poverty rate has been halved to 24% and the proportion of those living in a condition of misery is 6%. By last December the unemployment rate had fallen to 5.9%, the lowest level yet, thanks to nearly 4 million new jobs and a policy banning the firing of workers. The UN has recognized Venezuela’s success in dealing with food shortages. Since 2003, more than 30 programs called “Bolivarian missions” have been implemented in education, healthcare, food, housing, job creation, culture, science, and sports.

This is not to say that Maduro won’t be challenged in his new term. He’ll have to sustain the achievements of his predecessor’s administration by ensuring that the goals of ongoing social programs are achieved. Venezuela will have to increase its investment in oil and gas projects, diversify its economy, and develop its agriculture to ensure food security and curb inflation. The new President must also fight corruption and reduce crime. In foreign relations, Maduro will continue consolidating Venezuela’s position in Latin America and around the world.

Hong Van

