World condemns twin bombings in Lebanon

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(VOVworld) – The world community strongly condemned two suicide bombers who targeted an Iranian cultural centre in Beirut on Wednesday, claiming 130 lives.
(VOVworld) – The world community strongly condemned two suicide bombers who targeted an Iranian cultural centre in Beirut on Wednesday, claiming 130 lives.

World condemns twin bombings in Lebanon - ảnh 1
A civil defence member walks at the site of an explosion near the Iranian cultural center in the southern suburbs of Beirut on February 19, 2014. (Photo: Reuters)

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon criticized the attack and urged that its accomplices be brought to justice. He called on parties in Lebanon to coordinate their efforts to help the government and state agencies maintain national security and stability against the threat of terrorism.

In a press release, the UN Security Council called the bloody attack an extremely cruel act and urged the Lebanese to protect their country’s unity.

Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqui said attacks like these are the cause of insecurity not only in Lebanon but also in Syria and the entire region.
