Wikileaks reveals how CIA is targeting iPhone, Android, and smart TV

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(VOVworld) – Wikileaks on Tuesday dropped a massive collection of information detailing how the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is attacking smart phones, PCs, and smart TV, which is basically all the things that are connected to the internet.
(VOVworld) – Wikileaks on Tuesday dropped a massive collection of information detailing how the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is attacking smart phones, PCs, and smart TV, which is basically all the things that are connected to the internet.
Wikileaks reveals how CIA is targeting iPhone, Android, and smart TV - ảnh 1
The Central Intelligence Agency headquarters, Langley, Virginia (Source: EPA/VNA)
A total of 7.818 websites were published in the first part in a series of leaks on the agency.  The CIA's tools can be used to read encrypted messages sent on otherwise secure apps like WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram. According to WikiLeaks' announcement, the CIA can read your private messages before they even get encrypted. For example, Weeping Angel is how the CIA can allegedly hack into a Samsung Smart TV. It could put your TV into a "Fake-Off" mode, recording conversations even when the device appears to be off.
