Vietnam welcomes Iran’s nuclear agreement

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – The Foreign Ministry held its regular press briefing on Thursday. In response to questions about Vietnam’s stance on the historic nuclear deal between Iran and the major world powers after 12 years of negotiation, Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh said: “Vietnam welcomes efforts of the parties involved to reach a comprehensive deal on Iran’s nuclear issue between Iran and the P5+1 on July 14. We consider this an important and active contribution to regional and global security and stability.”

(VOVworld) – The Foreign Ministry held its regular press briefing on Thursday. In response to questions about Vietnam’s stance on the historic nuclear deal between Iran and the major world powers after 12 years of negotiation, Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh said: “Vietnam welcomes efforts of the parties involved to reach a comprehensive deal on Iran’s nuclear issue between Iran and the P5+1 on July 14. We consider this an important and active contribution to regional and global security and stability.”

Vietnam welcomes Iran’s nuclear agreement - ảnh 1

Mr. Binh said the administration of Sacramento city in the US State of California did not cancel a meeting with a Vietnamese delegation, led by Party Secretary of HCM city Le Thanh Hai.  On July 14, the governor of California and Mr. Hai discussed measures to increase cooperation between HCM city and California towards friendly cooperation and brotherhood.

Concerning the news that China had asked the Philippines to drop its lawsuit over the East Sea for bilateral negotiations, Mr. Binh reiterated Vietnam’s consistent policy that all disputes in the East Sea should be settled through peaceful means in line with international law, particularly the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea.

Answering questions about US media reporting that a Vietnamese citizen had been sentenced to 13 years in prison by an American court on July 14 for hacking and Vietnam’s measures to protect its citizens, Mr. Binh said: “Vietnamese representative agencies in the US are working closely together with relevant US agencies to clarify this case. The Foreign Ministry has asked Vietnamese agencies in the US to meet this person and to ensure his/her rights in full.”

Mr. Binh said that Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc will receive and hold talks with Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Gao Lid uring his visit to Vietnam from July 16 to July 18. They will discuss ways to boost practical cooperation between the two countries in economics, trade, and investment, contributing to bilateral ties in a stable, healthy and sustainable manner. 
