Vietnam, Thailand plan ocean collaboration

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - Viet Nam and Thailand plan to step up collaboration efforts in the supervision and management of fishing activities in the sea area between the two countries.

(VOVworld) - Viet Nam and Thailand plan to step up collaboration efforts in the supervision and management of fishing activities in the sea area between the two countries. At a meeting on Thursday between representatives of Kien Giang Province and Tanee Sangrat, deputy general director of the Department of East Asian Affairs in Thailand’s Foreign Ministry, the two sides explained their country’s laws and regulations regarding ocean exploitation and discussed future aquaculture cooperation.

Vietnam, Thailand plan ocean collaboration - ảnh 1

Meeting between Kien Giang representatives and Tanee Sangrat, Deputy General Director of Department of East Asian Affairs under Thai Foreign Ministry (Source: VNA)

They recommended that agencies inform all fishermen of international maritime law, and policies on managing and supervising fishing activities in the sea area between Viet Nam and Thailand. The two sides agreed that the two countries must work together to enforce a strict non-violence policy in dealing with fishermen and to discourage all illegal fishing operations. They also called for the establishment of a hotline to assist fishermen in cases of emergency along the maritime border between Viet Nam and Thailand.
