Vietnam ranks 2nd in COVID performance: Lowy Institute

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - New Zealand, Vietnam and Taiwan (China) rank the top three in a COVID Performance Index of almost 100 countries for their successful handling of the coronavirus pandemic. 
Vietnam ranks 2nd in COVID performance: Lowy Institute - ảnh 1RT-PCR test (Photo: VNA)

Other countries in the top 10 include Thailand, Cyprus, Rwanda, Iceland, Australia, Latvia and Sri Lanka - countries with fewer reported cases and deaths both in aggregate and per capita terms.

The Sydney-based Lowy Institute said that in total, 98 countries were evaluated in the 36 weeks that followed their hundredth confirmed case of COVID-19, using data available to Jan. 9, 2021.

Fourteen-day rolling averages of new daily figures were calculated for confirmed cases, confirmed cases per million people, confirmed deaths, confirmed deaths per million people, confirmed cases as a proportion of tests, and tests per thousand people, the Lowy Institute said.
