Vietnam considers individual efforts foundation for climate change adaptation

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(VOVWORLD) - The international Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS) 2021 opened online on Tuesday, attended by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and other world leaders, to discuss water resources, agriculture, and food security. CAS 2021 launched a comprehensive Adaptation Action Agenda until 2030, setting out clear commitments to new endeavors and partnerships to make the world more resilient to climate change.

Vietnam considers individual efforts foundation for climate change adaptation - ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc delivers his remarks at CAS 2021.

In his remarks, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said Vietnam is one of the countries most affected by climate change. Vietnam pledges to strengthen the resilience and adaptation of communities, economic stakeholders, and the ecosystem. It will step up disaster risk reduction and mitigation of climate-related damage. Climate adaptation will be further mainstreamed into Vietnam’s national strategies and planning. Vietnam will also invest more in human resources, scientific research, and development and application of advanced technologies.

The Vietnamese Government will mobilize every citizen to implement its climate adaptation programs and activities, and looks forward to continued foreign cooperation and support for its climate adaptation programs.  

“First, we should bolster the adaptation of communities, the participation of the people, and the resilience of all industries and sectors against the adverse impacts of climate change. Second, climate change adaptation should go hand in hand with sustainable development, gender equality, and poverty eradication, with no one left behind. Third, greater financial and technological support should be provided to developing countries for climate change adaptation. And fourth, we should promote multi-stakeholder partnerships and engage businesses, scientists, communities, and non-governmental organizations in climate adaptation activities,” said Prime Minister Phuc.

The Prime Minister added that Vietnam will continue working with the international community to combat climate change, transforming climate-induced “challenges” into “opportunities” to achieve sustainable development for all.  
