Vietnam, China issue joint statement on strengthening partnership

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary and State President To Lam and Chinese leaders reached important common perceptions on strengthening the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries, and promoting the building of the Vietnam-China community with a shared future in the new situation, according to a joint statement issued on the occasion of the Vietnamese top leader’s state visit to China from Sunday to Tuesday at the invitation of Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping. They also discussed international and regional issues of mutual common concern.
Vietnam, China issue joint statement on strengthening partnership  - ảnh 1Party General Secretary and State President To Lam and Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping. (Photo: VNA)

China emphasized its persistent policy of friendship with Vietnam and always considers Vietnam a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy. Vietnam affirmed that it always considers relations with China a top priority in its foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization, and diversification. These are the strategic choices of the two sides. 

The two sides underlined the need to seriously implement the common perception and results achieved during the bilateral visits of the top leaders of the two Parties and two countries. They stressed the need to adhere to the “16-word” motto and the “four-good” spirit, persistently implement the “six major” directions, namely higher political trust, more practical defence-security cooperation, more substantive and deeper cooperation, more solid social foundation, closer multilateral coordination, and better control and settlement of differences. They agreed on the importance of promoting the building of the Vietnam-China community with a shared future, striving for the happiness of the people and national prosperity, for the cause of peace and progress of mankind. 

The two sides will maintain strategic exchanges between high-ranking leaders of the two Parties and two countries, and jointly orient the development of the Vietnam-China relationship. They will fully promote the special role of the Party channel, further strengthen the overall coordination role of the exchange and cooperation mechanisms between the two Parties, especially high-level meetings, theoretical workshops between the two Parties, and exchanges between the two Parties' agencies of foreign affairs.

The two sides affirmed that defence-security cooperation is one of the pillars of Vietnam-China relations. They agreed to enhance defence-security cooperation; strengthen exchanges at all levels between the two countries' armies through channels such as the border defence friendship exchange, and defence and security dialogue; deepen border, naval, and coast guard exchanges; and promote cooperation in areas such as political affairs, defence industry, mutual visits of naval ships, and United Nations peacekeeping.

The two sides agreed to promote connectivity of development strategies between the two countries, effectively implement the cooperation plan connecting the "Two Corridors, One Belt" Framework with the "Belt and Road" Initiative; accelerate "hard connectivity" in terms of railways, expressways and border gate infrastructure; and upgrade "soft connectivity" on smart customs. They will actively research and deploy pilot construction of cross-border economic cooperation zones, and will jointly build safe and stable production and supply chains. They encouraged and supported enterprises with capacity, reputation and advanced technology to invest in the other country, with a focus on enhancing cooperation in hi-tech agriculture, infrastructure, clean energy, digital economy and green development. They agreed to create a fair and favorable business environment for each other's enterprises.

Vietnam, China issue joint statement on strengthening partnership  - ảnh 2Party General Secretary and State President To Lam and Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping witness the signing of cooperation documents between the two countries. (Photo: VNA)

The two sides will effectively uphold the role of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA); make good use of e-commerce platforms and trade fairs; enhance customs cooperation, and expand the export of each country’s key products to the other. 

They reiterated their commitment to preserving the traditional friendship, upholding shared ideals and missions, and consistently promoting popularization work on the Vietnam-China friendship. They declared 2025 the "Year of Vietnam-China Humanistic Exchange" and will jointly organize a series of activities to celebrate the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and China.

The two sides will strengthen coordination and multilateral cooperation that aligns with the building of the Vietnam-China Community with a shared future that carries strategic significance. They agreed to persevere in the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence" and basic norms of international relations, jointly protect the international system with the United Nations as its core and the international order with international law as its foundation, and protect international justice, fairness and the common interests of developing countries.

The two sides stressed the need to better control and actively handle disagreement at sea, and maintain peace, stability in the East Sea and the region.

They agreed on the need to adhere to the common perceptions of high-ranking leaders of the two Parties and countries, together maintain peace, stability in the East Sea, persevere in friendly consultation to actively seek essential and long-term solutions acceptable to both sides in accordance with the Vietnam-China agreement on basic principles guiding the settlement of sea-related issues and international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. They will take no action that can complicate the situation or extend disputes.

The two sides reach unanimity that the state visit to China of Party General Secretary and President To Lam is a success, significantly promoting the building of the Vietnam-China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance that is conducive to peace, stability and development in the region and the world.
