Vietnam calls for inclusive, equally beneficial Mekong-Lancang cooperation

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh has called on Mekong-Lancang nations to concentrate resources on water resources, production, cross-border economic collaboration, agriculture and poverty reduction. 
Vietnam calls for inclusive, equally beneficial Mekong-Lancang cooperation   - ảnh 1Vietnam's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh (second from right)

Mr. Minh, who is also Vietnam’s Foreign Minister, on Monday attended the fourth Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Laos, which also draw representatives from Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and China.

He suggested the parties address bottlenecks in commodity circulation, work to open up the Chinese market for farm produce from Mekong countries, help enterprises understand import-export regulations, step up technology transfer to help Mekong countries develop rice and food crop varieties adaptive to climate change, and intensify management on cross-border labor. Cooperation between Mekong-Lancang countries should ensure projects are inclusive and bring about equal benefits for all member states, Mr. Minh said.

The ministers agreed to consider initiatives to boost cooperation in production, regional connectivity, trade, energy, customs, health, education and the building of a regional economic corridor. The next meeting will be held in China next year. 
