Vietnam attends China-ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Informal Meeting

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - The China-ASEAN Defense Ministers' Informal Meeting took place in Beijing on Friday. Vietnam’s Defense Minister, General Phung Quang Thanh, attended the event.
(VOVworld) - The China-ASEAN Defense Ministers' Informal Meeting took place in Beijing on Friday. Vietnam’s Defense Minister, General Phung Quang Thanh, attended the event.

Vietnam attends China-ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Informal Meeting  - ảnh 1

Speaking at the event, Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan said dialogue and cooperation in security and defense is of great importance to China-ASEAN strategic partnership. He said China wants to cooperate with ASEAN to maintain regional security and stability. ASEAN ministers acknowledged China’s proposals to establish security mechanisms to promote defense cooperation between China and ASEAN in humanitarian issues, disaster relief, and UN peace keeping activities, They agreed that peace and stability in the East Sea is vital to regional security, calling on China and ASEAN to abide by international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, in settling disputes, strictly follow the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, and promptly agree on the Code of Conduct in the East Sea. In an interview with VOV following the meeting, General Phung Quang Thanh said: "The ministers discussed measures to turn words into actions to promote China-ASEAN cooperation. Discussions also focused on measures to seek specific cooperative mechanisms between the two sides. At this meeting, China’s Defense Minister reiterated that China does not invade its neighbouring countries in the region no matter how strong it grows as this reflects the responsibilities of an important country and a member of the UN Security Council. We hope that China as a world powerhouse and permanent member of the UN Security Council will practice their preach."

